Ferocious But Fabulous

Ferocious But Fabulous
Our Transportation Accommodation

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Feeding The Beast

One simple step that is often overlooked in RV Trip Planning is when and how you are going to feed your beast.
Most RV's are over 30-feet long, some towing vehicles, some requiring special fuel (diesel and DEF) and you can't pull into the next gas station along the highway and hope for the best.  Most of the local gas stations are designed for the quick entrance and exit of personal automobiles....meaning if you are 30+ feet  long you are either going to get hung up or cause a little bit of inconvenience for others.

A Few Simple Tips on The Proper Way To Feed Your Beast (When, Where, Why & How)

When-You can estimate  your fuel economy and how many miles that it will take to empty your tank. (err on the low side just in case). Plan when you are going to stop  ie in 300 miles, in 400 miles...what every works for you just as long as you don't run empty.

Where-Look for larger truck stops or fueling stations that you can easily pull in and pull out of without getting hung up or being an inconvenience to others.
Nothing is worse than having to stop traffic so that you can either disconnect your toad or try to back out of a situation,

Why-Try to combine as many reasons to stop as possible (snacks, rest, food for the beast, convenience shopping) Hey if you are going to stop why not make it worth your while.

How-Look for stops along your existing route. Saving 5 cents per gallon seems like a lot..especially when you are buying 80 gallons (actually it is $4) but if you have to go 20 miles out of your way to save 5 cents per gallon then you have actually wasted money. 

Shameless Plug/Personal Opinion:
Also look for chains that are friendly to RV'ers I fill up exclusively at Pilot/Flying J's using my Good Sam/Flying J RV Plus Card. I save 8 cents per gallon off of the posted cash price. Most have large open fueling areas with diesel. If I need DEF I can easily pull around to the truck lanes fill up and move on. Their stores are bright and cheery (they definitely not the truck stops depicted in the movies)

I hope that this helps.


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